A Trustworthy AI Agent
to Jumpstart Self-serve Analytics

Marketers Shouldn't do Data Cleaning

Marketing teams are drowning in oceans of data: whether it's coming from advertising channels, website analytics, or marketing automation tools, there's just more data to handle than ever before. Despite having direct business context and pressing questions, growth marketers are often blocked from the insights needed to run effective marketing initiatives. Instead, a big lift is spent each week manually plugging away in a spreadsheet to get answers. Even when pre-built dashboards exist, making changes such as creating new customer segments or adding new data sources relies on backlogged engineering teams that always seem to have higher priorities.

What Does Soleda Do?

Soleda is building a platform of dependable and highly accurate AI agents. Our first agent (Dana) eliminates tedious and time-consuming data prep and data cleaning commonly experienced by marketing teams (and RevOps more generally). Rather than wasting time on data work that isn't part of your core job, you can instead focus on making optimal operational decisions leading to more efficient spend and happier customers.

Our solution involves cutting-edge AI, but only leverages technology as it helps solve real world problems:

  • Analytics is hard because real data is messy so cleaning it is practically a full-time job. Spreadsheets are full of null values, typos, outliers, and anomalies. Column names are hard to decipher. That data someone tried to import from Salesforce just doesn't look right. Sometimes, you might not even have access to data due to permission issues. Dana tackles this head-on by carefully and intelligently navigating around these common pitfalls. In situations where the right action is unclear, the agent will ask for your feedback first. The agent pro-actively suggests fixes, but avoids automatic intervention so that you, as the human, maintain full control.
  • Data doesn't come from just one place. Bringing it all together is hard because not only is the data messy, individual data providers aren't built to play nicely with each other. Each vendor tracks user behavior slightly differently, defines key metrics slightly differently, and outputs their results in slightly different formats -- leading to noticeably different customer stories. There also lacks common keys that can be used to connect this information together, so figuring out how is as much a science as it is an art. With Dana's help, marketing leaders can tap into sophisticated ML algorithms to identify likely targets for joining. Dana then uses live feedback to learn on-the-fly about how to stitch it all together.
  • The field moves fast with new trends popping up all the time. Whether it's a new channel to reach users or shifting economic conditions, businesses have to adjust quickly to meet ever-changing customer demands. On the one hand, you want to keep abreast of industry best practices for measuring and achieving customer success. At the same time, your company’s modus operandi establishes a unique context to operate in. Soleda maintains flexibility since unlike traditional workflow automation or RPA, our agent is not built in a rigid hard-coded manner, but instead adapts to user preferences. Moreover, to the degree that processes are repeatable, our agent picks up those patterns to automate repetitive work without any extra effort on your part.

What Makes Us Different

Rather than black-box AI voodoo, Soleda's agent is powered by cutting-edge, proprietary AI technology tailored specifically for marketing contexts. Unlike LLM-based chatbots, there is no need for magical prompt-based incantations to get the right answers. Users can talk naturally like they would to a collaborative teammate who understands both marketing priorities (multi-touch attribution, conversion optimization, etc.) as well as the complexities of data engineering. Rather than generating answers that merely sound correct, Dana's responses are always grounded to the actual data in the spreadsheet. Even better, Dana has a tangible thought process, meaning you can ask how a metric was calculated or what the reasoning was behind an action. All this results in accurate insights and actionable advice from an AI agent you can trust.